Wednesday, September 28, 2011

CNN Breaking News

------ MMS ------
From: CNN Breaking News <>
Received: Sep 28, 2011 5:28 AM
Subject: CNN Breaking News

Florida is expected to hold its presidential primary on January 31, likely throwing the carefully arranged Republican nominating calendar into disarray, CNN has learned.
The move would jump start the nominating process a month earlier than GOP leaders had hoped and almost certainly force Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada to leapfrog Florida and move their primaries and caucuses into early- to mid-January.
"We are expecting to meet on Friday from 11 to 12, and I expect that they will pick January 31 as Florida's primary date," Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon said about a state commission exploring potential primary dates.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For NDB Media on 9/13/2011 - Questions/Answers

Exam Questions:

1.         At a party do you
            (a) interact with many, including strangers
            (b) interact with a few, known to you

2.         Are you more
            (a) realistic than speculative
            (b) speculative than realistic

3.         Is it worse to
            (a) have your “head in the clouds”
            (b) be “in a rut”

4.         Are you more impressed by
            (a) principles                                     (b) emotions

5.         Are you more drawn toward the
            (a) convincing                                  (b) touching

6.         Do you prefer to work
            (a) to deadlines                                (b) just “whatever”

7.         Do you tend to choose
            (a) rather carefully                           (b) somewhat impulsively

8.         At parties do you
            (a) stay late, with increasing energy
            (b) leave early, with decreased energy

9.         Are you more attracted to
            (a) sensible people                          (b) imaginative people

10.       Are you more interested in
            (a) what is actual                              (b) what is possible

11.       In judging others are you more swayed by
            (a) laws than circumstances
            (b) circumstances than laws

12.       In approaching others is your inclination to be somewhat
            (a) objective                                      (b) personal

13.       Are you more
            (a) punctual                                      (b) leisurely

14.       Does it bother you more having things
            (a) incomplete                                  (b) completed

15.       In your social groups do you
            (a) keep abreast of other’s happenings
            (b) get behind on the news

16.       In doing ordinary things are you more likely to
            (a) do it the usual way                     (b) do it your own way

17.       Writers should
            (a) “say what they mean and mean what they say”
            (b) express things more by use of analogy

18.       Which appeal to you more
            (a) consistency of thought
            (b) harmonious human relationships

19.       Are you more comfortable in making
            (a) logical judgments                      (b) value judgments

20.       Do you want things
            (a) settled and decided                   (b) unsettled and undecided

21.       Would you say you are more
            (a) serious and determined                        (b) easy-going

22.       In phoning do you
            (a) rarely question that it will all be said
            (b) rehearse what you’ll say

23.       Facts
            (a) “speak for themselves”
            (b) illustrate principles

24.       Are visionaries
            (a) somewhat annoying
            (b) rather fascinating

25.       Are you more often
            (a) a cool-headed person               (b) a warm-hearted person

26.       Is it worse to be
            (a) unjust                                           (b) merciless

27.       Should one usually let events occur
            (a) by careful selection and choice
            (b) randomly and by chance

28.       Do you feel better about
            (a) having purchased                      (b) having the option to buy

29.       In company do you
            (a) initiate conversation                  (b) wait to be approached

30.       Common sense is
            (a) rarely questionable                    (b) frequently questionable

31.       Children often do not
            (a) make themselves useful enough
            (b) exercise their fantasy enough

32.       In making decisions do you feel more comfortable with
            (a) standards                                     (b) feelings

33.       Are you more
            (a) firm than gentle                          (b) gentle than firm

34.       Which is more admirable:
            (a) the ability to organize and be methodical
            (b) the ability to adapt and make do

35.       Do you put more value on the
            (a) definite                                         (b) open-ended

36.       Does new and non-routine interaction with others
            (a) stimulate and energize you
            (b) tax your reserves

37.       Are you more frequently
            (a) a practical sort of person
            (b) a fanciful sort of person

38.       Are you more likely to
            (a) see how others are useful
            (b) see how others see

39.       Which is more satisfying:
            (a) to discuss an issue thoroughly
            (b) to arrive at agreement on an issue

40.       Which rules you more:
            (a) your head                                                (b) your heart

41.       Are you more comfortable with work that is
            (a) contracted                                    (b) done on a casual basis

42.       Do you tend to look for
            (a) the orderly                                   (b) whatever turns up

43.       Do you prefer
            (a) many friends with brief contact
            (b) a few friends with more lengthy contact

44.       Do you go more by
            (a) facts                                              (b) principles

45.       Are you more interested in
            (a) production and distribution
            (b) design and research

46.       Which is more of a compliment:
            (a) “There is a very logical person.”
            (b) “There is a very sentimental person.”

47.       Do you value in yourself more that you are
            (a) unwavering
            (b) devoted

48.       Do you more often prefer the
            (a) final and unalterable statement
            (b) tentative and preliminary statement

49.       Are you more comfortable
            (a) after a decision                           (b) before a decision

50.       Do you
            (a) speak easily and at length with strangers
            (b) find little to say to strangers

51.       Are you more likely to trust your
            (a) experience                                  (b) hunch

52.       Do you feel
            (a) more practical than ingenious
            (b) more ingenious than practical

53.       Which person is more to be complimented: one of
            (a) clear reason                                (b) strong feeling

54.       Are you inclined more to be
            (a) fair-minded                                  (b) sympathetic

55.       Is it preferable mostly to
            (a) make sure things are arranged
            (b) just let things happen

56.       In relationships should most things be
            (a) renegotiable
            (b) random and circumstantial

57.       When the phone rings do you
            (a) hasten to get to it first
            (b) hope someone else will answer

58.       Do you prize more in yourself
            (a) a strong sense of reality            (b) a vivid imagination

59.       Are you drawn more to
            (a) fundamentals                             (b) overtones

60.       Which seems the greater error:
            (a) to be too passionate                  (b) to be too objective

61.       Do you see yourself as basically
            (a) hard-headed                               (b) soft-heated

62.       Which situation appeals to you more:
            (a) the structured and scheduled
            (b) the unstructured and unscheduled

63.       Are you a person that is more
            (a) routinized than whimsical
            (b) whimsical than routinized

64.       Are you more inclined to be
            (a) easy to approach                        (b) somewhat reserved

65.       In writings do you prefer
            (a) the more literal                            (b) the more figurative

66.       Is it harder for you to
            (a) indentify with others                  (b) utilize others

67.       Which do you wish more for yourself:
            (a) clarity of reason                          (b) strength of compassion

68.       Which is the greater fault:
            (a) being indiscriminate                  (b) being critical

69.       Do you prefer the
            (a) planned event                            (b) unplanned event

70.       Do you tend to be more
            (a) deliberate than spontaneous
            (b) spontaneous than deliberate

16 Types

Type Logic  Personality Types

Monday, September 5, 2011

$5 coupon for the Los Angeles County Fair!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Click here for the PDF file to print. I inviting people, if they are interested, go ahead and download the file and go to the fair!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trickle Down Economics is bad . . .

As spoken on Meet The Press, by Governor Mitch Daniels, R-Indiana:

"The point he is making, on flooding the world with printed money, borrowing unlimited quantities, using it for 'trickle-down government', which is the policy of this administration, is a bad one."

Governor Daniels was supporting the comments made by Governor Rick Perry of Texas, upon calling the current President's policies "treasonous."

Let's check that: George W. Bush spent 6.4 Trillion dollars - he added to the deficit. Obama has added 2.4 Trillion.

That is almost three to one . . . and we wonder why we are in the problem that we are in?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What really happens . . .

What really happens when the lights go out?

I have been wondering about this for some time now and frankly, as my days are numbered (I have fewer days ahead then days that have passed), I wonder what the darkness or silence holds.

One day, I will not awake and one day, I will no longer communicate with those in my life. I worry for them, but I expect that they will continue forward and live good lives.

I am overcome by the fear of that day, and I know that that day nears. I have had 42 years on this marble and I am satisfied with these past years, these past four decades - but I still have much to do, much to accomplish. I hurry to do it, because if I do not, I will not accomplish what I want to accomplish.

I can only wonder if I will have had made a difference in this world, left my mark and not disappear into obscurity. I want to be a part of history for all time. I want to be known as someone that did good in this world and was good at doing good!

I can only think of that moment, when the lights go out, what the nothingness will be . . .

What will happen and will it be as James Kirk, on Viridian III, when the moment arrived and his life slipped away . . . "Oh my . . ."

I am not being morbid, but simply sharing thoughts and feelings for I can not keep them simply in my thoughts. I can not.

Friday, July 15, 2011

She's Out!

Times newspaper says News Corp exec Rebekah Brooks has resigned amid hacking scandal | More:
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Brazil can't finish, USA comes from behind to win and advance!

US Wins!

2-1. Or was 3-0? Well, doesn’t matter really. The final score is Brazil over the U.S. in 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup play in Germany. In the opening minutes, Brazil scored on its own goalie, giving the U.S. an early lead and what would turn out to be its only score. This game, was a genuine clash of the Titans. BREAKING NEWS! Coming from the far side, Rapinoe drives, passes across the field and Wambach slams it home with a head shot! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! 2-2. With seconds left in the final extra frame, the United States musters all in one final attack, out-outnumbered, but not out-done, did not give up and score the tying goal to take this one to penalty shots - to determine the winner and the eventual advance to the semi finals.

First Attempt: the U.S. Boxx is blocked, but in a play reminiscent on a call against Hope Solo, the goalie moved up and out of position is called for the penalty. Boxx scores on second attempt.

Brazil: Goal!


Second Attempt: Lloyd. Lloyd went left and Goal! 2-1.

Brazil: Marta Silva is up. Goal! Marta went left and Hope Solo to her left and saw it go to her right.

Third Attempt: Wambach. She goes right and up and GOAL! 3-2.

Brazil: Daiane is up. She goes left and Solo blocks it! 3-2.

Fourth Attempt: Megan Rapinoe. Rapinoe goes left and scores! Goal!

Brazil: Goal!

Fifth Attempt: Krieger. Goal! America Wins! there is hope and that hope is HOPE SOLO!

In a game that seemed to be all but over with seconds to play, the United States turns it around and wins it in penalty shots. Early on, the U.S. woman dominated the entire field and at 68 minutes, Marta scored the first goal for Brazil and would later score another at 92 minutes, just minutes into the first of two fifteen-minute. All the while, the U.S. was down a player from minute 64. The United States did not give in, and Brazil did not go in for the kill. With seconds to play, Rapinoe lifted up a centering pass and Wambach slammed it home to score the tying goal. There is always hope!

As an individual that viewed the entire game, my one enduring comment will be that with all of the missed calls - on both sides, video replay is that much closer. Questionable calls and frustrating non-calls leaves one scratching one’s head or cleaning up liquid from the liquid plasma screen and leaves one wondering why this fine game is littered with so many questionable calls. The ejection of Rachel Bueller is just so unfathomable, that it is just that: unfathomable.

Don’t knock the players. Both teams played as champions. Both played as power teams on a mission. Brazil did not finish well and the United States did. Hope Solo in goal was the on-field leader and lead her team to victory.

Dresden burned in World War Two and now Dresden burns again, along with America, with the fire from the American women!

The opening paragraph was being written with minutes to play and will remain for me as it represents to you my belief that this game was over.

There is always hope. Her name is: Hope Amelia Solo. Siempre Esperanza!

Monday, July 4, 2011

NDB Media Radio Schedule

M 1130AM-1145 Daily 15 (Daily15)
M 8PM-830 Sports Talk With The Guys (NDBMedia2)
T 1130AM-1145 Daily 15 (Daily15)
T 7-9PM (NDB Media)
W 1130AM-1145 Daily 15 (Daily15)
W 7PM-730 Comics 101 (NDB Media)(Every Other Wednesday)
W 7PM-8 Shy Rosalind (NDB Media)(Last Wednesday of the month)
W 8PM-9 Almighty Sports Show (NDBMedia2)
TH 1130AM-1145 Daily 15 (Daily15)
TH 7PM-8 Baseball Memories (NDBMedia2)
TH 8PM-830 Sports Talk With The Guys (NDBMedia2)
F 1PM-3 Matt Alvarez and the Sports Opinions Show (NDB Media)
SAT 6-8AM Sports Talk With The Guys (NDBMedia2)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where's Mike?

Vegas anyone!? It's wide open!!! I-15........
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Job Openings with LA County

Student Work, Student Worker/North County and Student Professional Worker I, opened today with Los Angeles County of Public Works.

Check 'em out!

Also, Lenny Melnick wants to move out here, so he better register and get out of the home-schooling stuff.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

ESPN News - Tyler Hamilton told...

Sent: May 19, 2011 4:23 PM
Subject: ESPN News - Tyler Hamilton told...

ESPN News - Tyler Hamilton told CBS News that ex-teammate Lance Armstrong used performance-enhancing drug EPO
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

No pictures!

In an interview with CBS News correspondent Steve Kroft for this Sunday's "60 Minutes," the President says he won't release the bin Laden images taken to prove his death.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

President Obama to address the nation

Coming off the wire, President Obama will address the nation at 7:30 PM PDT.

History Channel blows . . . again

I am watching "Conspiracy" on the History Channel - this program discusses the apparent conspiracy by the Roosevelt Administration to allow for the Japanese to attack, allowing America entry into the Second World War.

The dramatic storytellers that they are, they boldly declare that the lunch of the almost three dozen ships, lets loose a deadly attack of some 300 airplanes against the American Naval Base at Honolulu, Hawaii. They further go on to state that this is "the first, entirely carrier-based assault in military history, obliterates the US base . . ."

Does the History Channel not read history? Are they so lazy in that they choose not to do research?

In November of 1940, on the evening of the 11th, 21 Fiery Swordfish, from the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious, launched the first, carrier-based, air attack in military history.

Read more here: Battle of Taranto


Now that I am on the subject on the History Channel's lack thereof, I wish to also state that they got it wrong in the telling of the Sinking of the Bismark. There are other instances, and I am sure that I will not provide them safe harbor, so to speak, and I will make those instances be known as I see fit.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy said: "Ask not what . . .", actually not that one, maybe this one: "A child miseducated is a child lost."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Now the cry will be . . .

CNN just did its own homework and investigation . . . here.

The first comment from the "birthers" will be: "CNN is a left-wing, media puppet for the Democrats."

"It's a lie."

"It is a conspiracy."

And, I am sure, a few slurs will be added to the mix. I have heard 'em and the only common denominator is that, these people are full of hate and can't handle the fact that Barack Obama was elected president.

I trust the system and I understand how stuff works. He was born in Hawaii.

I ask the "birthers" to prove to me that he was born in Kenya. Where is YOUR proof?

You have none. Rumor has it that it will rain again, real soon - when it does, just step outside your house and yell at it. Yelling at the rain is just as productive as you crying about the President's birth certificate. Go ahead, yell at the rain.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lohan in jail!

Lindsay Lohan taken to jail after being sentenced to 120 days for violating probation with arrest in necklace theft case.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jennie Finch - America's sweetheart!

Jennie Finch: All-star, Olympian, athlete, best female softball pitcher, LIVE! 9143380314 and at 10:30 AM @PDT!
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Japan nuclear level now 7

Japan reportedly decides to raise severity level of nuclear plant crisis to 7, equal to 1986 Chernobyl disaster

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Manny being Manny (or stupid)

ESPN News - Rays DH Manny Ramirez decides to retire rather than go through MLB's drug treatment program
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Friday, April 1, 2011


------ SMS Text ------
From: 41070
Received: Apr 1, 2011 3:27 PM
Subject: KNX: BREAKING NOW: LA Mayor...

KNX: BREAKING NOW: LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa agrees to pay $42K in fines to settle ethics probes into his acceptance of free tickets to events.
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5.9 Event near Crete

This morning, Pacific Time, a significant event struck in the area of Crete, off the coast of Greece. for additional details.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2nd Prize for tonight!

Prizes for Tonight!

No boots on the ground?

Analyze this:

-- U.S. intelligence source: CIA is operating inside Libya to help U.S. increase "military and political understanding."

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Nichelle Nichols - Monday at 7 PM PDT

Well, just confirmed it! Nichelle Nichols, Lt. Uhura of Star Trek, joins us for a live interview.

Click here for the link: Nichelle Nichols Interview

Thursday, March 24, 2011

7.0 strikes Burma

7.0-magnitude earthquake strikes Burma, U.S. Geological Survey reports

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Die Hard 2?

Breaking News Alert: Tower at Reagan National went silent as planes tried to land March 23, 2011 6:19:15 PM
The control tower at Reagan National Airport went silent early Wednesday, forcing two airliners carrying a total of 165 passengers and crew to land on their own. The tower did not respond to pilot requests for landing assistance or to phone calls from controllers elsewhere in the region, who also used a "shout line" which pipes into a loudspeaker in the tower, internal records show. The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the incident, agency spokeswoman Laura J. Brown said in a statement.
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Liz Taylor

-- Actress Elizabeth Taylor has died, her publicist tells CNN. She was 79.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jane Badler of "V"


On March 26, 2011 @ 2:00 P.M. PST

Jane Badler – actress/singer who has appeared in television series such as Fantasy Island, One Life To Live, and Falcon Crest, will be joining us LIVE from Melbourne, Australia. We’ll be speaking with Ms. Badler about her reprisal of Diana on the reincarnation of the “V” television series, on ABC. We’ll learn about her latest role on the Australian TV series Neighbors, as well as her soon to be released CD titled: “The Devil Has My Double”. Ms. Badler has agreed to take questions from phone callers LIVE on air. Join us for a special Saturday conversation on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel.

Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to:


Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868

T-Mobile and ATT

AT&T to Buy T-Mobile USA in $39 Billion Deal

AT&T announced on Sunday that it has agreed to buy T-Mobile
USA from Deutsche Telekom for $39 billion in cash and stock,
in one of the biggest mergers since the onset of the
financial crisis.

The deal will dramatically bolster AT&T's footprint in the
country, adding an additional 46.5 million customers.

Under the terms of the deal, AT&T will pay $25 billion in
cash and the rest in stock. Deutsche Telekom will in turn
gain an 8 percent stake in AT&T and a seat on the American
telecom giant's board.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Just cause you write a law . . .

Wisconsin judge temporarily blocks the state's new labor law curbing union collective bargaining rights

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

ORG:LA Times Breaking News
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

CNN Breaking News

-- Workers at Japan's damaged nuclear power plant have suspended operations and evacuated, chief Cabinet secretary says.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Fuel Rods exposed

Tokyo Electric Co. Says fuel rods are fully exposed at a troubled nuclear reactor. That reactor and two others at the plant are dangerously overheating and authorities are racing to prevent meltdown.

Details from

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

-- U.N. agency: State of emergency at nuclear power plant in Onagawa, Japan, where excessive radiation levels reported.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Partial Meltdown in Progress

Japan's top government spokesman says "partial meltdown" likely under way at second reactor

More headlines from
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Friday, March 11, 2011

BREAKING: Japan nuclear safety...

------ SMS Text ------
From: 67622
Received: Mar 11, 2011 10:20 PM
Subject: BREAKING: Japan nuclear safety...

BREAKING: Japan nuclear safety commission official says meltdown at nuclear power plant possible | More:
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Fw: News Alert: After N.F.L. Talks Fail, Union Decides to Decertify

------Original Message------
From: NYTimes com News Alert
To: Me
Subject: News Alert: After N.F.L. Talks Fail, Union Decides to Decertify
Sent: Mar 11, 2011 2:11 PM

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Fri, March 11, 2011 -- 5:10 PM ET

After N.F.L. Talks Fail, Union Decides to Decertify

Talks between the N.F.L. and the players union broke off
Friday, and the union took steps to dissolve itself, sending
the country's most popular sport into labor turmoil and
imperiling the 2011 season.

The union is expected to seek an injunction to prevent owners
from locking players out, and perhaps file antitrust lawsuits
against owners, using big-name players as plaintiffs. The
collective bargaining agreement expires at midnight, and
after 16 sessions with the federal mediator George Cohen, the
sides still remain far apart on the percentages of revenues
each would receive, the fundamental issue that divides them.

Read More:

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Japan: Radiation levels...

------ SMS Text ------
From: 67622
Received: Mar 11, 2011 2:09 PM
Subject: BREAKING: Japan: Radiation levels...

BREAKING: Japan: Radiation levels surge outside nuclear plant; evacuation area expanded | More:
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1992 all over again

On June 28, 1992, at 4:57 AM local time, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Landers, California. Not three hours later, a 6.4 earthquake struck Big Bear, California, not 100 miles apart. At first, it was believed that Big Bear was an aftershock, but later, it was determined to be its own seismic event. Not long ago, a 6.2 earthquake struck the west coast of Japan, NW of Tokyo. Two different seismic events. Head to for details and still has the NOAA map with the projected tsunami wave action.

Peace and give to the Red Cross for the people of Japan.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

8.8 earthquake off Japanese Coast

Head over to for additional details.
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Fw: BREAKING NEWS: Major Earthquake Strikes Japan

------Original Message------
To: Me
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: Major Earthquake Strikes Japan
Sent: Mar 10, 2011 10:09 PM

Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7.9 earthquake strikes northern Japan and rattles buildings in Tokyo

More headlines from


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Fw: BREAKING NEWS: Major Earthquake Strikes Japan

------Original Message------
To: Me
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: Major Earthquake Strikes Japan
Sent: Mar 10, 2011 10:09 PM

Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7.9 earthquake strikes northern Japan and rattles buildings in Tokyo

More headlines from


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NDB Media

Well, today is significant day for NDB Media! The San Gabriel Examiner is publishing the DBA for four consecutive weeks as required by the great state of California.

The filing is available at: under Fictitious Business Registrations, at the Registrar-Recorder.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Broadway version of Spider Man is delayed

The NY Times is reporting that Spider Man on broadway is being put off for three months and will be re-worked.
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Monday, March 7, 2011

Thar she blows!

Ladies and Gents! The wind is really blowing out here, in SoCal! Speeds in excess of 22 mph! Yeah, not hurricane force winds, but real good - for us!
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Charlie Sheen is out

Variety is reporting that Sheen is out! He has been fired. Head to for further details.
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Monday, February 28, 2011

KNX: BREAKING NOW: Actress Jane...

------ SMS Text ------
From: 41070
Received: Feb 28, 2011 3:51 PM
Subject: KNX: BREAKING NOW: Actress Jane...

KNX: BREAKING NOW: Actress Jane Russell has died at the age of 89 -- KCOY TV LISTEN LIVE @
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ESPN News - Reports: Nets acquire...

------ SMS Text ------
From: 79710
Received: Feb 23, 2011 8:32 AM
Subject: ESPN News - Reports: Nets acquire...

ESPN News - Reports: Nets acquire All-Star G Deron Williams, send G Devin Harris, F Derrick Favors to Jazz
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Amazon to compete with Netflix customers who pay $79.99 for free shipping on any purchase, are being offered movie streaming and Amazon now becomes the first, serious competitor to Netflix's movie streaming service. Check for additional details.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ESPN News - Agent for Albert...

ESPN News - Agent for Albert Pujols confirms further contract talks with Cards suspended until after 2011 season