Want to help stimulate the economy? You can do so by doing one simple thing . . .
Stop receiving your bills electronically.
You can still pay your bills electronically, but the one that wants your money will have to spend on paper, envelopes, postage and lots of other stuff which they are just declaring as profit. These businesses did not give you a discount for going green, did they?
Believe me, this is one, simple step to help business spend money and to help the economy to get moving again. How many bills do you receive per month? .45 cents for postage? I now receive 8 bills and I have seen no increase to my bill and now these companies are spending a combined $3.60. If ten people did this? $36. 100 people? $360. That is just postage! Most postage for a bill is not .45 cents but often over a $1. How much paper will be purchased, ink? Repairs on equipment? People repairing the equipment. Delivery.
You want to help? Have your mail sent via snail mail and you will help get the economy going. You will become a job creator.
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Roger D. Noriega