Friday, July 29, 2016


It's been a while. Hope you are doing well. I am. I expect to share more in the very, very near future.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Showers and Flautelance

Why is that once you have showered, not during, but after, your body has this incessant urge to release its freight from its holding tank?

I imagine that this will be a topic that I will be visiting again, soon enough. I have decided to begin reviewing episodes of certain programs, i.e., Fear The Walking Dead, The Last Ship, the new Star Trek series and maybe another one. Over time, I will post old reviews here and get back up to speed. I may even post on the method to my madness.

I have a writing goal and it begins with regular reviews on a regular basis. I have to write again so . . .



