Friday, January 25, 2019

Government Shutdown . . .

As of this evening, some 800K federal employees will be returning to work real soon. I have to ask the President: what did you accomplish?

Mr. President, you shutdown 1/4 of our government and you keep lots of people from being paid, I have to ask: What did you accomplish?

I don't follow your twitter feed and I am only have what the media tells me and I am being told that you were schooled by a grandma. Yup, you petulant, little child, threw a tantrum and what did you get?


What did you do? You did damage to our National Parks. You denied people services that were legally supposed to be offered and you may have damaged the credit and financial lives of people those that happen to work for us, in government jobs. You also damaged the economy due to the negative output generated by the government - those days won't return and spending money to make up for that doesn't work - never has.

Mr. President,

I ask that you include in your next proposal of "border security" to include the following:

1. All businesses, of all sizes, must be a part of E-Verify.
2. Businesses that refuse to utilize E-Verify on their own, must be raided TODAY.
3. Begin with immigration enforcement in all households of those earning over 100K per year - you will find many employed in those homes as not having the proper employment papers.
4. Enforce verifications of the hotel/service industry. The food industry, farms and others, where we know illegal immigration is rampant.
5. Require foreign states to post a bond for everyone individual that wants to enter our country via a visa. We know that many are simply over-staying their visa. If the individual is not gone when the visa expires, that foreign state pays via the bond posted.
6. More money for inspections are borders and goods transport - as a country, we know that the vast majority of illegal goods enters through our ports uninspected. Having a wall will do nothing to stop illegal goods entering our country.
7. Spend money on more agents and equipment for border enforcement, along with drones, electronic sensors and cameras - much less expensive then a unmovable wall.

America doesn't need a wall if we have enforcement of our current laws and of those actions mentioned above.

Look at history - The great wall of china was meant to stop foreigners from enter China - it failed. Look at the Maginot Line in 1940, the Wehrmacht simply went around and over it.

Let's use American Technology, built by Americans, to protect Americans. If we build more barriers, who do you think is gonna build it? Americans? Are you kidding me?