Saturday, July 18, 2009

What's in a name?

Some former freedom fighter from Nicaragua seems to believe that I am Roger F. Noriega! Go figure . . .

I am Roger D. Noriega, not that clown.


latinoguyindc said...

Roger, it's me, Roger Noriega. If you consult my bio, I've worked in government service for 25 years, helped defend human rights in Latin America, get textbooks and food to children in Nicaragua, prevented a bloodbath in Haiti, defended democratic principles in Venezuela, El Salvador, Peru, Guatemala, Cuba, Mexico, and a few other places. I am the grandson of Mexican railroad workers who served three US presidents and two powerful Congressional Committees. I do not know how anyone would mistake me for a radio show host, and I am as disturbed by the error as you.

Roger Noriega said...

Mr. Noriega! I know who you are and I am sorry that I was never notified that you left a comment.

I thank you for commenting and, as stated, it amazes me how they could mistake us.

As ambassador to the OAS, I thank you for your service to our great country.