Thursday, June 5, 2014

Waiting to say "no" . . .

I find myself at the corner of Overland and Venice, at a McDonald's and I cannot ignore the hustle and bustle around me. 

The traffic on the westside is terrible, I left home at 5:30 AM an arrived to my location at 7:07 AM - roughly 50 miles. I remember making similar trips in about 40 minutes but that is impossible in 2014. 

My deposition is today and it is but another step in this journey and I will be taking more steps over the next few years. 

Knowing that today, June 5, 2014 isfinally here, a calm has come over me. Today will pass, the calendar will turn the page and today will be another day for the books.

My relief is palpable, heck, I'm at a McDonald's for goodness sake! I should be at Carl's Jr., my customary place in similar circumstances. Alas, if I have money to spend, it will be McDonald's from here on - our debt to Ronald McDonald house must be repaid and paid forward. 

One hour still . . .

Thursday, June 5, 2014 will be the day that I get to say no to all of the questions and a start, a commencement to resolution in this endeavor. I worried and worried and now, I no longer have time to worry, simply: I only have to do. 

Today, I will get it done and move on. At this moment, I stand apart from the hustle and bustle around me, soon, I will return to that same and today will be a distant memory.

I thank you for reading. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Chris Brown

Chris is now out of jail after having done his time for his last transgressions. Chris, ya did what was required of you, now, seek assistance for your anger issue and get better.

Your are a talented individual and now, you have the oppourtunity to get back to doing what you do best: entertaining us with your musical skill. 

You have the talent and I, for one, can't wait for you to return to your music making. I am a fan that wants to see you do well, I'm rooting for you. I say you deserve what you got, you paid society's price for your misdeeds and now do what you do best: music. 

Fair or not, you went to jail and you didn't act like a baby about it. I'm sorry you had to do time, but why did you? Many will never be happy at the "price" you paid, but you can't worry about those people. It is done. 

I'm rooting for you.

Good luck, dude, I'll be listening.