Thursday, June 5, 2014

Waiting to say "no" . . .

I find myself at the corner of Overland and Venice, at a McDonald's and I cannot ignore the hustle and bustle around me. 

The traffic on the westside is terrible, I left home at 5:30 AM an arrived to my location at 7:07 AM - roughly 50 miles. I remember making similar trips in about 40 minutes but that is impossible in 2014. 

My deposition is today and it is but another step in this journey and I will be taking more steps over the next few years. 

Knowing that today, June 5, 2014 isfinally here, a calm has come over me. Today will pass, the calendar will turn the page and today will be another day for the books.

My relief is palpable, heck, I'm at a McDonald's for goodness sake! I should be at Carl's Jr., my customary place in similar circumstances. Alas, if I have money to spend, it will be McDonald's from here on - our debt to Ronald McDonald house must be repaid and paid forward. 

One hour still . . .

Thursday, June 5, 2014 will be the day that I get to say no to all of the questions and a start, a commencement to resolution in this endeavor. I worried and worried and now, I no longer have time to worry, simply: I only have to do. 

Today, I will get it done and move on. At this moment, I stand apart from the hustle and bustle around me, soon, I will return to that same and today will be a distant memory.

I thank you for reading. 

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