Sunday, December 5, 2010

Where is the America I knew?

Look, I am empathetic, but really - 99 weeks of unemployment insurance? What happened to the America I knew?

America is about working hard to accomplish something, to make something of yourself. Now, we subsidize everyone and everything! When does it end?

Now, things are just out of control. Don't ask me if I 'feel' for people that are without work. Of course I do. I feel for them the exact same way that 'they' would feel for me.

There, you know how I feel.

Oh, and if you want to borrow money - just go over to - I will gladly lend money via that website. I have, numerous times. So don't ask because I am through with lending giving money away. Yeah, that means you, BAM and Angel Fan.

Yeah, Roger is rather angry right now. Usually, when Roger puts it in writing, he has had it.

Have a great day!!!

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