Sunday, September 23, 2007

I made the news!

First Washington D.C., now my own Local. I am using up my fifteen minutes pretty damn quick!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lots of Buildings in the 'ole capital . . .

the pictures were snapped on my cell phone - decent enough. I understand why they call it capital hill - it really is on a hill.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Force Behind The Picture

well, this is one of the pictures of being at the Conference. I am the one with the ballcap in the last row. Typical, I had to be behind the only tall woman in the entire conference.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

You get what you pay for . . .

Well, the blogging from my phone didn't work . . . it worked during the test runs but after that, not a one went through . . . so much for technology or "you get what you pay for".

This is my flight, AA0076 approaching the terminal at 6:49 A.M. PDT on 9/15/2007. More stuff to follow, including pictures of D.C.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Washington D.C. or bust!

Tomorrow, I am traveling to the nation's capital on business. SEIU is soliciting the opinions, views, and plans from the Presidential Candidates and I am on the committee to interview said candidates! Granted, the SEIU Committee numbers several hundred, we are doing this to recommend who SEIU will endorse.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

An Internet Hug . . .

Jorge . . . you are the d'man.

Thanks for explaining life to me.

Pimp My Space?

Sergio, you've got to be kidding me - how the hell am I supposed to "pimp" my myspace site when I can barely navigate my own website? C'mon homie, don't you know me?

I pretend to have a life so I am unable to spend much time learning how to pimp my site so if you are willing to give me some suggestions, I suppose I will listen - just remember that one day my little girls may spy my site so I can't make it objectionable - they aren't old enough yet!

Do I need help or what?

Monday, September 3, 2007

Stratosphere - Carlos V, the world traveler

Hope your having a good holiday

Carlos is in Vegas and he sends this beautiful picture from downtown LV! Thanks, reminds me that I need to get away as well!

Summer is not over yet!

On August 12, I commented on the weather, and boy how things have changed. I pity the fool that traveled this weekend.

Birds and Airplanes

I am flying to Washington D.C. very soon and stuff like this just isn't very reassuring. I will be blogging from the nation's capital.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Lach's World Tour - Postcards are a thing of the past

Venice - Grand Canal

Richard sent me this one and I wanted to post it as a test from my cell phone and needless to say - it worked!