Thursday, September 5, 2013

I see it, don't they see it?

Here's the article link where they post at this site that the video they have is the video that the government didn't want you to see regarding the 9-11 cover up. Take a gander here.

Looking at the video, at :08, I can clearly see something that looks like the tail fin of a big jet that disappears from view and if you follow the movement, it fits the impact of the building.

We are assuming that this video is of 9-11 and of flight 77 and the pentagon. On that basis, if you check the video at :08, I see the tail fin.

One reason why I don't care for the kids at Loose Change and all others that say this didn't happen, is simply because I saw it live. I witnessed it. It was sad and horrible. I wish to remind the parents of those little kids that made up the documentary entitled "Loose Change," that as a parent, you failed in educating your children. You did so by never teaching them common sense. You failed and now, these juveniles are piddling their made up story. I've said it before: their documentary is slick and well produced, they should move to Hollywood where they can have a chance at making movies. I haven't heard much about them after Popular Mechanics and Popular Science tore them a new a-hole.

That mysterious plane flying around Washington D.C.? AOC. Airborne Operations Command. The reporter that reported that Building 7 was already down when it had not fallen yet. When have reporters gotten all of their facts straight and how often did the news media have to retract their statements and issue corrections?

Our leadership failed on the fateful day. The simple implication that our government was skilled enough to pull of this operation is simply unfathomable. I work in government, have these kids that claim it was a massive government conspiracy ever worked with or for a government agency?

Why do people yell at the rain? They yell at the rain simply because no one else will listen to them.