Thursday, December 31, 2009


Happy New Year! 
¡Próspero Año Nuevo! 
Bonne année! 
Glückliches Neujahr!
Anno nuovo felice!
Het gelukkige Nieuwjaar!
Feliz Ano Novo!
С новым годом!
Glad Nytt År!

Noriega Girl 2009!

We did! The Governator and The Admiral made the announcement! Check for the details! Thanks for voting and for your submissions!

We are already accepting nominations for Noriega Girl 2010! Don't like our choice? Make your voice heard! We are listening!!!

By the way: Happy New Year and enjoy the pics!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I am hungry now . . .

Lobster! Here's how you do it . . .

Lobster 101

Wow. Costco, here I come!

Friday, December 25, 2009

George Michael and the Sports Machine

I remember staying up late at night, after the regular news, to watch The Sports Machine with George Michael. I learned from Albert Barragan, this morning, from one of his posts and immediately I was shocked. I knew who he was talking about, and I couldn't believe it. I grew up with him, almost every night he would come into my home, on my TV set and he would talk to me about sports.

Miami Herald with image of George Michael

Most of the time, he was a straight shooter, but he would mix in the humor from time to time and you had to be paying attention to catch it. Wow, I am really saddened by this AND only 70.

I never met him and I never thought I would and now, I never will. George Michael, I am sorry you have left this world and I only hope that you have now found peace.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2009 was a rough and difficult year for many of us. What you can surpass, only makes your stronger and 2009 has been such a year, we are surpassing this difficult time and 2010 can only be better for us all.

My family hopes and wishes for everyone a prosperous and joyous 2010!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brittany Murphy passed away . . .

What a shame, I am so saddened to hear that Brittany Murphy passed away, early this morning. She did of cardiac arrest - no other details.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I am the cook . . . tomorrow morning!

Once a year, I wake up early and make breakfast for friends and family. Tomorrow morning is that day! I will be preparing Chicken Pozole and my friends will be over at 10:00 A.M.

I hope it comes out well as this is the first time that I do so for so many of my seminary brothers . . .

If Peter Villacorta, Jorge Garay or Eugene Castillo go missing, it wasn't my cooking!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wow . . .

What can I say?

I'll have to do better next time!

THERE, I said it.


What is the big deal? Not only did I say it, but I wrote it down, here in the blog and on

Someone shared a letter from their e-mail account about how the ACLU is trying to remove Christmas from everything and everywhere.

As I listened intently, all of sudden, they asked me if I had an opinion and of course, me being me, I stated: "Does it matter if I tell you that I am a card-carrying ACLU member?"

The look on her face was priceless. SCORE! I decided to go with it: "Are you shocked? I mean, I am not a member, but I am a contributor to the ACLU. Don't you remember that I have a radio program and I have to be sensitive to everyone. I mean, after all, what is the freaking big deal about saying 'happy holidays' or 'Merry Christmas'? What does it matter?"

"It matters that the ACLU  and others are trying to remove Christmas from everything!"

"Are you attempting to marginalize a group that is only attempting to protect the Constitution and especially, Free Speech? Look, I get it - they tend to make big mistakes, but hey, what are they really trying to do?"

"Take Christmas away?"

At this point, I realize that my intellectual curiosity was not about to attain a higher plain of understanding in this argument.

"As long as you continue to practice Christmas with those you love, Christmas will never be gone or taken away."

"So does this mean that it is OK to mail the ACLU a letter to flood them with letters so that we can bring them down?"

"Write your letter and if like, write one for me."

I wonder if the 5.00 that I gave the ACLU recently was enough to higher someone to read the flood of letters that will be coming down the pipe?

Who is taking Christmas away? Why are people so concerned with taking something away when, in fact, nothing has been done to do such a thing? The ability to post a banner on government property is probably gone - but why is this such a big deal? Who cares? Christmas is not gone and will never be. If having a nativity set or a banner in Public, Government property proof that Christmas is alive and well, aren't we really being shallow and very much like the Pharisee in the bible that made a big deal of living a "correct" life? Why do we need to be in "the christmas spirit"? Am I trying to impress to co-workers? Who cares? I don't. Christmas is a remember of being with people that I care to be with. It is not an outward sign that needs to be shown to others - it is, what we are inside of us that matters. Besides, I am making this a bit long and wife is on me to help her with the Christmas lights . . .

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Best Sports Moment . . .

We are asking for your all-time-best sports moment!

Call-in for our Christmas/Holiday program on Saturday, December 26, 2009.

Catch the program at 6 A.M. PT/9 A.M. PT here:

Outside The Lines on December 13, 2009

Outside The Lines, program on ESPN, has a two-part special report on academics and athletes - yes, a tired and old topic.

The academic program at Florida State University is facing a huge sanction against its athletic program, all due to the fact that students with a second-grade reading level, are being allowed into college! I say allowed, because they are all athletes that receive the academic pass to get into college.

I may not be summarizing it well, but you should check it out. I am sure you can find it on ESPN and or at:

Check it - it is worth your time.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Get busy living or get busy dying . . .

Don't leave for tomorrow, what you can do today. The only thing that should be left for tomorrow, is that which you can't finish today. If you want to start "tomorrow", tomorrow will never arrive. Today is the best day to accomplish what you want. Today will never come again and it will be a day wasted, one day more that you need to account for and what will your answer be?

My old baseball coach told me: "He who hesitates is lost".

I was lost, but I was luck, I found myself and got busy.

So should you - today will be gone and will never come back - what will you have to say for what you did?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Performance Evaluation

I received my performance evaluation today.

What must I do to get a "Out-standing"?

It is simply a question.

Oh that's right, I am a union guy, fighting for equality and I have a problem of speaking my mind. Such traits are not compatible to the "team player" mentality.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bring It On . . .

Yeah, I know that I am advanced in age, but when I am bored, "Bring It On" sure does give me something to laugh at.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

East Side Gold Line Extension

Contrary to public opinion, I did step away from my computer today and took the family out on a little sojourn.

We drove out to LA Live, checked out the happy haps there and then decided to check out the new, light-rail extension to the east side of Los Angeles.


Sure does look sweet, sleek and clean! The stations are well-lite and easy to access. I am envious of the fact that the system is near so many residential areas and now connects to the ever-expanding network of the MTA. In late 2010, the Exposition Line will open and that will branch off of the Blue Line and we take you to USC, The Museums and as far west as Culver City.

Supervisor Gloria Molina has decried the "un-safe" line. Still bitter at the fact that ELA was denied a subway and that the westside will score yet another subterranean-extension. No matter, it is what it is and it looks good. No accidents yet and no one is dead . . . a good few weeks.

By the way, only an idiot will die along the light-rail line. The line doesn't need fencing, only an idiot will try to challenge the train. I should reconsider that: There are people that will die because they won't be paying attention and BECAUSE they will try to beat the train. People don't know that when you cross the rail line right-of-way, you are actually trespassing. The railroads are only allowing you to pass when there is no train! The idiot that believes they are in the right have it all wrong.

Long Live the Gold Line!

Pictures to follow . . .

The Big Dog and I traveled to Las Vegas yesterday and met with Sonny Clark, the Couch Potato of "The Couch Potato Sports Show". We made it to Vegas, from South Gate in three hours and thirty minutes! Wow, that was fast and I as far as the Highway Patrol is concerned, no laws were broken. Did we break any? Well, no one was around to verify and alleged indiscretion . . .

Be that as it may, we were on air for FIVE hours and it seemed live 45 minutes. Lots of fun and meeting people who walked up to us, those that called in - Comfox, Robbie and Lenny. The staff of the Golden Gate Hotel and Casino were absolutely fabulous and the free drinks and food didn't hurt either! I had the New York Steak with Shrimp and it was awesome. We may do this again in January, but for now, nothing really planned. We do intend to take Sports Talk With The Guys on the road in 2010. Maybe Las Vegas in January, Portland in March and from there . . . who knows?

Pictures were taken by Sonny's family so as soon as we get those, we'll have them up. I'll must tell you, it must be that there are many Yankee haters out there (I had my Yankee cap and Jersey on) or there were people that begin to recognize us in the casino and the diner later. Odd, really. When I was slamming the Dodgers, Philly fans, people in the Casino looked like they wanted to respond, and they just couldn't pull the trigger . . . maybe they wanted to tell me in person, with their fists! Next time, we hope you can join us at our live broadcasts, but Big Dog, we must, we must do this again!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sports Talk With The Guys - Live from Las Vegas!

Don't forget, tomorrow morning, 6 AM PT, 9 AM ET, Sports Talk With The Guys goes on the road! The Golden Gate Hotel and Casino is hosting us for the holiday weekend! Immediately following us, The Couch Potato continues with us for another 3 hours! 5 hours of sports on Saturday morning! How can you beat that?

From: 6 AM PT to 8 AM PT

and then:

From 8 AM PT to 11 AM PT

spend the Holiday Saturday with us!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Look people, if you have a cat or dog, put it on a lease and pay your D--- license fee. Also, clean up after 'em. I am tired of these stupid neighbors that allow their dogs out the minute we leave just so they may take a dump in our yard.

Yeah, I did it. I just called:

South East Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA)
9777 Seaaca St.
Downey, CA 90241
(562) 803-3301

Seems like someone will be paying a great deal of money! Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

People . . .

Wow. I am still amazed by the fact that I receive e-mail from people that really dislike me, and dare I say, hate me.

I suppose it is my fault after all, since I did not want to do something illegal. I am the one to blame for choosing to actually follow my convictions and the LAW!

Such is life.

R.L.: I hope that marriage is working out for you! I forget, which one of you paid the other for those legal documents?

D.R.: Dumb ass, grow up and be a man and leave Eugene alone - same goes for you, D.K. (D.R., sorry you are mad but I couldn't stomach your hypocrisy and ill-tempered, uneducated attitude towards the rest of the world. I am glad I said it then and I am glad I repeat it now. Sorry that you are so shallow and can't handle my observation - besides, you are the one that ditched us all back in '97).

M.O.: Yeah, I get it!

B.S. (Yeah, the initials do represent someone): Grow up!

For the rest of you - get on living or hurry up and get out of the way.

Bishop G. Pat Ziemann Memorial Mass Slide Show by Bill Solis


Thanks, Bill.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Memorial Service for Bishop G. Pat Ziemann

Wow, for such a solemn event, I was so thrilled to met others that Bishop Z had touched and to spend time with my classmates again! I thank Jorge, Ron and Eugene for doing the grunt work for this service. Thank you, Father Ed of Norwalk and to catch up with my classmates:

Ignacio I
Paul H
Paul W
Tony C
Matt K
Mike V
Tom D
Martin D
Albert B
Dominic K
Jorge H
Jorge G
Ron G
Bill S

Mrs. Garland
Mike Crowley
Father Ed Dober

Friends and classmates of Bishop Pat

Friends and Family to the classmates of OLQA . . .

I am sorry that we come together under such sad circumstances, but like I said in my portion of the eulogy: with the music, the sounds, the sun shinning through the windows, for a short while, it sure did seem as if I was back in the old HS seminary with all of you.

I meant what I said: I am so happy to see all of you.

I now look to the time, were we will all live in the company of that which awaits us. Life is to short to harbor ill will and to suffer through the loneliness of holding a grudge. What awaits us will arrive soon enough and forever will we be moving to that and forever will we wonder as to why we did what we did.

- unknown writer

I have approximately 30 years of life left, if science is right on, and for these remaining 30 years, you will find me not harboring ill will towards anyone ('cept that SOB that cut me off last week) and I will savor the moments that I have left on this planet - for they will never come again and our life, our journey, will be a testament to those that follow us. How will we be remembered? How do you wish to be remembered?

I have 30 years to live and I am not going to waste a second of it . . . I will my life as best I can and my contribution to this world will be one that I will be proud of.

I do have something to live for and I do have something to die for - I can only hope that in some small measure, Bishop Pat can be proud of the lessons he gave me, gave us and how we practiced them.

Simpre Adelante . . . and no excuses now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Being a student of history, the events of those past are the ones that always come alive on a day like this. As many know, I am an avid reader and I do so only to learn about that and those that came before me - to understand why things happened and to appreciate where we are now.

Places such as Iron Bottom Bay, Bloody Nose Ridge, Mt. Suribachi, Leyte, Midway, Wake, The Marianna's Turkey Shoot, The Battle of the Java Sea, Taranto and The Slot come alive when I read about those that enlisted to take part in events that were greater then themselves.

Ships with names such as: San Francisco, Enterprise, West Virginia, Dace, Darter, Indianapolis, Hornet, Yorktown, Ranger, Mississippi, Fanshaw Bay, Gambier Bay, St. Lo, Johnston, Hoel, Hobart and many more live in my waking moments to honor those that came before me so that I could live a free and worthy life.

I read about 'em and honor them by reading about their exploits. Where they went, what they did. In some cases, where they now rest. I for one, appreciate what has been done for me and what is being done today. I hold the responsibility of knowing that it will be done for me tomorrow as well.

If you wish to know just a little more about me and what I feel on this day, I ask you to read this review that I wrote a few years past:

Those that served, showed greater love than all others, for they readily served, for it was a responsibility that they took upon themselves, made it their own and I, we, enjoy the fruits of their exploits.

On a day such as this, I revel in history, for the deeds of men named: Frank Jack Fletcher, William Halsey, Dan O'Callaghan, The Sullivan Brothers - come alive and they live again.

They live as long as we remember them. I remember 'em and I ask you to visit with them and share the memory of them. They didn't ask to do what they did, but by reading about them and remembering, their glorious lives live in the light of their accomplishments.

I did not take the opportunity to serve, but my service is in keeping the memory of their exploits alive.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monday looks to be a grand day!

Dean Devlin at 7 PM and then, Michael Dorn at 8 PM!!! Seven of Nine and 9 PM would have made it a climatic event, but for now, I will take memorable!

If you can't be at a computer, call-in at: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to:

Hope to see you guys there!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Game 4 is in the books!

Sorry shortstop for the Phillies, but we are now up 3 games to 1. Rollins, you don't know how to trash talk and it is obvious because the Yankees simply ignored you. Philly in 5 . . . yeah, sure dude.

Feels good, real good that we are on the verge. Lidge? Nope. This team always does it.

The Weekend and the Yankees!

Well, it sure is nice to be suckered at Best Buy. My daughters have been saving their allowance for a video camera . . . found one at best buy. We bought it and now they are busy being little movie creators!

They have no idea, but I will use that camera for commercials for the web program!

Yankees and now up 2 to 1. The game is about to begin!

Short weekend, but a good one.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Game Three: Yankees lead 5 to 3!

Cole Hammels did not have it today - he is gone. Pettitte is my boy!

Game Three in 9 minutes!

The series is tied One to One! Now in Philadelphia. I am worried, Eric Karros is looking for the Yankees to win . . . this comes from a guy that never played in the World Series. He was Rookie of the Year, though.

Happy Halloween!

May you all have a wonderful day today!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Spent the day with the family . . .

I was wondering what it was like to spend some time with 'em. I have my job, I have my union commitments and the Radio Program . . .

They introduced themselves to me once we got in the car and drove to the department store. After the introduction, we went to the 99 cent store. They want to be "cheap", I can be cheap too! As in cheap shots. It was not lost on them.


When I am bored, I ask clients to come over and we pretend that we are being audited.


When I really want to miss with 'em, I pretend that I am from the IRS and really scare the crap out of them . . .

Yes, I am a sadist and damn proud of it.

Post #66

I just wanted to list the number . . . I was bored.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Series Tied 1-1

'Bout time! I am just so happy and satisfied that the team I cheer for has evened the series at one each.

Game Three on Saturday and Andy Pettitte vs. Cole Hammels! Are you kidding me? Andy is my choice between the two there . . . duh! This is what you call "a no-brainer"!

Now we take the battle to Philadephia!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

6 -1


Game One is in the books.

Wait a micro-second . . .

Jeter - base hit.

Damon - BASE HIT!

We'll see . . .


6-0 and the bottom of the ninth nears . . .

Game 1 is about to go into the history books . . .

Thank goodness I won't read about this one.

Yeah, game one is important AS IS EVERY game. I like the team that I cheer for.

The Phillies are the world champions until the Yankees dethrone 'em.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Calm before the storm . . .

Tomorrow, Phillies vs. Yankees.

Who be dem Phillies?

Don't care, really.

Championship #27 is looking real good to me!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fox Sports Announcers . . . again!

Did you hear those two bozos last night? In the second inning, McCromagnon and Huck, were babbling about the illegal balk move that Andy Pettitte has.


First - Illegal Balk move? I have to ask, when is a Balk legal?

Second - Why are they belittling the umpires in declaring that MLB and the umpires allow someone with Mr. Pettitte's stature, to get away with such an obvious, illegal move?

Third - Again, Fox is allowing their dunderheads to just blather on and on about something that they seem to know nothing about. Is the move illegal? Really? Why then, has he been called for balks before? Have they read the rule book? I have, Umpires have as well. The implication that the umpires allow Andy Pettitte to get away with something is really strange when MLB has never responded to any of these lame comments. The comments are of no substance, yet, the viewing audience hears the rantings of these two dunderheads and all they do is ridicule the game and foment even more hatred against the Yankees.

The Yankees won. Both sides were nailed with bad calls and it is what you do the rest of the time that determines the winners from the whiners. Surprisingly, the Angels were rather silent about the series and the announcers were yelling at the rain . . .

Now, the World Series is upon us and the two idiots will call that series as well. I can only imagine the trash that those two will be talking about in trying to create something out of nothing . . . they just might be bored.

I guess I would be too . . . if I weren't a Yankee fan.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Baseball and TV

This has been brewing for a while now. Baseball is being lost and the fans are losing. We never owned the game directly, it was something that was there and if we liked it, we attended, we paid attention and most importantly - we savored.

Now, Baseball is being ruled by those that bow to that which is paying them the most money - TV, and in this case: FOX and TBS.

FOX has asked baseball to have its playoff games start at later start times, namely: 8 PM ET, 5 PM PT and mainly, on weeknights. Day games are almost unheard of and double-headers where you paid once for both games, are truly a thing of the past.

The weekday thing is what has lengthened the playoff schedule and moving the playoffs deeper and deeper into the fall. This year, the season started later only because of the Baseball World Cup and for this, games will be played in November. Scheduled November games AND no, this is not the MLB traveling team going to Japan - it is World Series Baseball.

Games start late, questionable officiating and incredible stupidity on the part of the Buck/McCarver duo for FOX. I have to ask them: have you guys been watching baseball for any length of time prior to the playoffs?

Why doesn't baseball follow its own rules? Shirts not being buttoned, Batters stepping out on every pitch, pitchers not coming to stop while in the stretch position, pitches not being delivered in the time required.

What has happened to the grand game? Cheaters galore? Home town fans forgiving the cheaters and adoring them with the love that only a spouse or girlfriend should receive . . . no, having spouse and cheater in the same sentence was not deliberate, nor a subtle dig at anyone or anything.

Record numbers of fans in attendance BUT BASEBALL TV numbers falling and falling and . . . falling. Putting baseball on weeknights will not save baseball on television. Go back to the day games, go back to following a true baseball playoff schedule were the only off days are when the team travels. You really want to improve the speed of games? Reduce the number of pitchers a team can carry so that you do not have "hook happy" managers change pitchers as often because they simply won't have many to choose from. Fine a hitter for stepping out of the box more than once if they don't have a full count or two strikes on 'em. Get in the box and hit and pitchers: deliver your pitches per the rules. Get rid of the DH, get rid of artificial turf and go back to making the sport about the sport. Follow your schedule, play the game and stop making the game so long that kids are asleep when the favorite team starts to play, much less completes the game.

FOX is a major reason that baseball has problems and for making it what it is today: a sport with TV ratings that are falling, increasingly longer games and bringing "issue" to the game that does not need more. Call the game, make the game the issue, not make the game adjust to what your vision is - FOX's vision is not working and we are all paying for it.

One day, in the not too distant future, baseball will be played in an empty stadium and just maybe, Buck Bokai of the London Kings may indeed, be the last true baseball player in a league that was killed by fan disinterest - brought on by a network that believed it could control it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bishop G. Patrick Ziemann

He passed away early, yesterday morning and the loss I feel is one that I can not still put into words.

Bishop Pat was a man full of life and full of faith - a good man, a caring man and one who truly believed that if you have nothing to die for, then you have nothing to live for.

"Siempre Adelante" was the phrase he used, from Junipero Serra, the founder of many missions in California.

I am glad I was able to visit with him two weeks ago today - for that, I thank with all my heart Jorge Garay, who made that possible. I thank Mike Heffernan that made the journey with us. Tom Cote, the one we had not seen since graduation, some 22 years ago and thank everyone that sent letters with us for Bishop Pat.

The seminary community is much smaller now. First, Sister Leo Francis O'Callahan and now, Bishop G. Patrick Ziemann. The star never set for these two, now, when I look up to the heavens, those two stars will burn for all eternity in the heavens above.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yankees up!

Yankees are up 2 to 0 and I like our chances. The angels are a tough team to beat all the time, but hey, I will gladly take the 2 games to zero lead!

Go Yankees!!!

Dodgers lose . . .

Dodger fans:

don't worry, spring is only 4 to 5 months away.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

David Mack returns!

Author David Mack joins NDB Media to talk about his many Star Trek novels, including previews of his forthcoming Star Trek: More Beautiful Than Death and Star Trek: Typhon Pact — Zero Sum Game.

7:00 PM PDT on October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Visit with the Z-Man . . .

To my seminary brothers:

Jorge, Mike and myself did drive down to Arizona - St. David, Arizona, which is just south of Benson and we arrived ~ 5:30 P.M. We were lucky enough to be able to go straight in and almost immediately, we sat down with the G-Man.

He was obviously frail-looking, but upon knowing it was us, his eyes lit up with recognition, knew who we were and told us that he would be able to spend maybe 15 minutes with him.

He told us that he was ill and that he would be dead in a few short weeks - he was at peace, but still so full of life and his memory still sharp of our time at OLQA.

Everyone that sent me a letter or called me, we mentioned by name and read their letter to him. He was touched, he appreciated hearing from everyone and he remembered everyone as well.

When we asked him if he remembered receiving a note and picture of one of you, he did say that did not recall receiving the note, but he did show us a basket full of cards and letters (I estimate he had over a hundred) and he stated that he would do his best to get to them.

The most difficult thing, for me (yeah, I was thinking about myself), was reading the letters to Bishop. He sat back and listened to each and every word as Jorge, Mike and I were reading them to him.

He asked for my name and phone number on a clipboard - rather odd since he has my contact information and we found out after that it was so we could be notified upon his passing.

Near the end, he entrusted to Jorge, Mike and myself, the statue of Mary from the Marian Chapel of OLQA. We were stunned, but immediately accepted and took her home with us. We intend to contact FR.ED to maybe have him care for her at his parrish so that all seminarians may reconnect with her, Z-Man and the old place we called home for a few years. Jorge has her right now and we are working out the details.

E-mail me direct and we can call each other and talk about it.

It was hard. It was difficult, but I can say that I am sooooooo happy that I saw him one last time and spent time with him.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Alex Vargas for Hawthorne City Council!

Join us live as we have a fireside conversation with Alex Vargas, Hawthorne's native son as he runs for Hawthorne City Council!

7 P.M. PDT on September 11, 2009

Call-in #: 914-338-0314


Monday, September 7, 2009

Andrew Probert beams in for a chat!

Join us as we chat with Andrew Probert, renown designer in Hollywood - worked on Star Trek, Back to the Future and Murder She Wrote! Join us at 7:00 P.M. PDT on September 7, 2009!

Call-in: (347) 215-6508 or e-mail:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sports Talk With The Guys!

8:00 P.M. PDT!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Scif-fi Double-Header!

In Association with MBL Entertainment, LLC


NDB Media (NDB Radio),

On August 23, 2009 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT:

Bruce Hopkins, Gamling in the Lord of the Rings, Jubilee, This is not a Love Story, Warm Gun, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Xena: The Warrior Princess, Young Hercules, The Westside Story, Peter Pan, Romeo & Juliet and much more – joins the hosts of the Sunday Night Conversation on Blogtalkradio’s: the Star Trek channel!

For questions: Show call-in #: 347-215-6508

On August 24, 2009 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT:

Cliff Simon, of South Africa, grew up in a turbulent time in South Africa, traveled to Great Britain to escape it all. Once there, he competed for and qualified for the 1984 Olympics in swimming - Cliff gave it up to return home and eventually would be led to Ba’al from Stargate: Atlantis & SG-1, Stargate: Continuum, 24, Operation Delta Force 5: Random Fire, Nash Bridges and Egoli, Place of Gold – joins the hosts of the Sunday Night Conversation on Blogtalkradio’s: the Star Trek channel!

For questions: Show call-in #: 347-215-6508

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica!

Veteran actor Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined and original) will be joining us on August 17, 2009 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT!

Join us by calling in at: 347-215-6508 if you are not at a computer or you wish to speak with him.

Join us live in the chat room and radio program page:

Questions for Richard Hatch may be e-mailed to:

Join us on August 17, 2009 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Rod Robbenberry beams in for a chat!

Rod Roddenberry, son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry joins us for a chat @ 7:00 P.M. PDT here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ron B. Moore - Special Effects Wizard!

Ron b. Moore, special-effects wizard joins us on air!

Join us at 7:00 P.M. PDT here.

Monday, July 20, 2009

American Hero visits with us!

Shuttle pilot Col. Richard A. Searfoss visits with us live at 7:00 P.M. PDT on 7/20/2009 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the landing on the moon!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

William Wellman, Jr. joins us!

Actor, William Wellman, Jr. will be joining us on July 19, 2009 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT here.

What's in a name?

Some former freedom fighter from Nicaragua seems to believe that I am Roger F. Noriega! Go figure . . .

I am Roger D. Noriega, not that clown.

Sunday, July 12, 2009