Sunday, August 29, 2010

Meet The Press and Today

The images of Katrina are mind-boggling. I just remember that fateful Thursday, when America could no longer stand what we were watching and demanded: "Where is the help?"

We have all been programmed that in a disaster, we need to plan for three days of supplies. What is not stated, is that three days is the absolute minimum that we should plan to have on hand. The reality is that in a disaster, we need to plan for at least a week.

No matter, the issue this Sunday is remembering what happened in the Gulf Coast over five years ago. I am an American. Damn proud to say as such. I know that as an American, I can expect help when something happens, just as it is in me, as an American, to help others when there is a need. I know that as an American, I will have differing opinions to my neighbors, I will not agree with 'em all too often, but we are still who we are because we believe in our community. Our community is America, the land of opportunity and place where your hard work is rewarded.

Our work is rewarded when we do what we are supposed to do and not expect to get something from someone else. America is the land of opportunity and anyone, anyone can be what they want to be and live the life that they want to live. We do have laws and these laws must be followed and if they are laws that we believe are wrong, we are entitled to judicial action.

I suppose that I had a few more thoughts, but the Sunday morning news shows just killed it. As a person who was educated by some smart people, I am not saying that I AM, I saying some rather smart people did some head-banging to get some awesome concepts into my little TRS-2.3, in that I need to listen. Listen to what your opponent has to say. Engage your opponent, don't attack, but ask for detail. In turn, you must be strong enough to give your own detail and have a conversation. People who yell, are people who are not listened to. Lower the volume, you will be heard unless you are so full of hate that you will either be ignored or followed by people who share your hate.

Why have we come to this point? Hate drives us. How did we get here? No matter, we are here and more importantly, how do we go back? Can we go back?

You bet we can.

How? Let's start listening to one another, let's start talking again. Not over the computer, but in person. We can't listen if we are on our computers all the time. Computers are awesome, but we need to live again.

I dare you. Kill one internet option that you have, and spend more time away from the computer, cable, TV or whatever. Go for a freaking walk to the mall and listen. Listen to what other people have to say and when you have the nerve, answer 'em. Ask them a question. Public conversations are that, public conversations. If it was meant to be private, the dumb bastards would probably text it anyway!

I am canceling Netflix. I am also canceling GameFly. I am canceling one of my digital receivers.

I will now go out today and visit with my mother for a short while and I will take the family with me, somewhere, out there. I will take them with me and keep them away from their Nintendo DS and iPods . . . I know how that go over with them!

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