Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Now the cry will be . . .

CNN just did its own homework and investigation . . . here.

The first comment from the "birthers" will be: "CNN is a left-wing, media puppet for the Democrats."

"It's a lie."

"It is a conspiracy."

And, I am sure, a few slurs will be added to the mix. I have heard 'em and the only common denominator is that, these people are full of hate and can't handle the fact that Barack Obama was elected president.

I trust the system and I understand how stuff works. He was born in Hawaii.

I ask the "birthers" to prove to me that he was born in Kenya. Where is YOUR proof?

You have none. Rumor has it that it will rain again, real soon - when it does, just step outside your house and yell at it. Yelling at the rain is just as productive as you crying about the President's birth certificate. Go ahead, yell at the rain.

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