Sunday, November 15, 2009

People . . .

Wow. I am still amazed by the fact that I receive e-mail from people that really dislike me, and dare I say, hate me.

I suppose it is my fault after all, since I did not want to do something illegal. I am the one to blame for choosing to actually follow my convictions and the LAW!

Such is life.

R.L.: I hope that marriage is working out for you! I forget, which one of you paid the other for those legal documents?

D.R.: Dumb ass, grow up and be a man and leave Eugene alone - same goes for you, D.K. (D.R., sorry you are mad but I couldn't stomach your hypocrisy and ill-tempered, uneducated attitude towards the rest of the world. I am glad I said it then and I am glad I repeat it now. Sorry that you are so shallow and can't handle my observation - besides, you are the one that ditched us all back in '97).

M.O.: Yeah, I get it!

B.S. (Yeah, the initials do represent someone): Grow up!

For the rest of you - get on living or hurry up and get out of the way.

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