Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Being a student of history, the events of those past are the ones that always come alive on a day like this. As many know, I am an avid reader and I do so only to learn about that and those that came before me - to understand why things happened and to appreciate where we are now.

Places such as Iron Bottom Bay, Bloody Nose Ridge, Mt. Suribachi, Leyte, Midway, Wake, The Marianna's Turkey Shoot, The Battle of the Java Sea, Taranto and The Slot come alive when I read about those that enlisted to take part in events that were greater then themselves.

Ships with names such as: San Francisco, Enterprise, West Virginia, Dace, Darter, Indianapolis, Hornet, Yorktown, Ranger, Mississippi, Fanshaw Bay, Gambier Bay, St. Lo, Johnston, Hoel, Hobart and many more live in my waking moments to honor those that came before me so that I could live a free and worthy life.

I read about 'em and honor them by reading about their exploits. Where they went, what they did. In some cases, where they now rest. I for one, appreciate what has been done for me and what is being done today. I hold the responsibility of knowing that it will be done for me tomorrow as well.

If you wish to know just a little more about me and what I feel on this day, I ask you to read this review that I wrote a few years past:

Those that served, showed greater love than all others, for they readily served, for it was a responsibility that they took upon themselves, made it their own and I, we, enjoy the fruits of their exploits.

On a day such as this, I revel in history, for the deeds of men named: Frank Jack Fletcher, William Halsey, Dan O'Callaghan, The Sullivan Brothers - come alive and they live again.

They live as long as we remember them. I remember 'em and I ask you to visit with them and share the memory of them. They didn't ask to do what they did, but by reading about them and remembering, their glorious lives live in the light of their accomplishments.

I did not take the opportunity to serve, but my service is in keeping the memory of their exploits alive.

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