Friday, December 25, 2009

George Michael and the Sports Machine

I remember staying up late at night, after the regular news, to watch The Sports Machine with George Michael. I learned from Albert Barragan, this morning, from one of his posts and immediately I was shocked. I knew who he was talking about, and I couldn't believe it. I grew up with him, almost every night he would come into my home, on my TV set and he would talk to me about sports.

Miami Herald with image of George Michael

Most of the time, he was a straight shooter, but he would mix in the humor from time to time and you had to be paying attention to catch it. Wow, I am really saddened by this AND only 70.

I never met him and I never thought I would and now, I never will. George Michael, I am sorry you have left this world and I only hope that you have now found peace.

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