Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Benghazi and stuff.

Yet again, another story that states that most people got the story wrong - again. The fervor related to this one event is astounding when one considers that in the Bush Administration, there were similar events and it turns out that the Administration was culpable in some of those events by not properly preparing and not once, not once, was there an outcry from either side of conspiracies.


Anyway, Benghazi, like the Birth Certificate will remain the realm of loons and crazies simply because of the current President.


I have noticed that the noise being generated by these crazies has quieted a bit (maybe due to my being disconnected from the internet) and it dawned on me as to why: It is snowing/raining and in many parts of the nation, the weather is bad. So, you ask? Well, as I have sad before: loons and crazies need something to yell at and usually they simply yell at the rain and knowing that winter has arrived, the loons and crazies are doing what they do best: Yell at the rain/snow/wind. Why? It is what they do and in the absence of such weather, they yell at others via conspiracies and such.

Winter, the darkness and still of such, brings peace to those of us that simply require peace. It brings us warmth and a appreciation of all that is good and not so good in the world.

I must admit, without the crazies and loons of the world, and there are many, the rest of us wouldn't be able to appreciate what is good in the world.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Years.

Lord Roger, emperor of all that is NDB Media and related to it (the world).

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