Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas comes with dreams.

I woke up on December 26 and my memory was working: I was able to recall three different dreams and I must say, they were varied and full of excitement.

Most recent:

I was driving to some place that I cannot recall, but I stopped near a school and on the opposite side of the street, I spied my ex, well, my first love. As she crossed the street and neared my vehicle, I reached out to surprise her and my youngest was in the car who reacted in a shocked manner. I looked back at her and through my facial gestures, I did my best to place her at ease: "I know what I am doing."

As she neared, I touched the small of her back and she immediately turned to me and recognized me. We engaged in polite conversation and she stated that she was in a rush and had to go. She leaned in through the window for a kiss on the cheek and then, leaned in to receive one from my daughter! Kinda surprised my daughter, but she went with the flow and didn't say a word until my ex left. 

Kinda odd and yet, kinda real at the same time. Funny thing is that my youngest knows of my ex, but in this dream, she had no idea who this person was - kinda like the logic in the most recent Star Trek movie. 

In another dream, I was back working at Carl's Jr. and I couldn't prepare a simple breakfast item: waffles! I would cook the item and yet, when it came time to hand the item to the customer, for some reason, I had to stamp the package and each time, I ended up stamping the waffle. Whatever. 

In the first dream, I was in a zombie apocalypse. FINALLY! This is the dream that I remember least, but I remember most that it was in my new city where were we moved to, but it was all good and I was prepared (it was a dream because in real life, I am not prepared for the zombie apocalypse) for bear and it had a feel of the Ragnarok Rising series by DA Roberts to it. 

All I remember is that the dreams were incredibly detailed and long. 

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