Saturday, January 29, 2011

I am creating separation . . .

While in the seminary, the deans and teachers told me that I was a mother-hen and that I needed to create separation between me and the other classmates. Hey, they were my peeps (read: my minions), but it was cool, I got the message.

I can see that even today.

I am creating separation between myself and others, in my universe, simply because I am not your momma, nor am I willing to breast feed. I never was the suckling type.

The reality is that I have had it. If you are looking for a hug, support or some thing along those lines . . . go look some place else. The reality is that you really just don't listen. I am tired of repeating myself because I really don't like to repeat myself. I am not Jim Rome . . .

As a matter of fact, I mentioned on numerous occasions, that I would be lost to the world for several weeks due to ROI certification. There, I repeated myself, yet again. Happy? I am not, because I know you are not listening . . .

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