Monday, January 24, 2011

The Land of the Living

I choose to die, then.

Nope, I'm not feeling postal. I do feel that Facebook has become too much of an issue in my life. While Facebook is cool to meet with people, it is something that will not be my entire life.

I do, in fact, have a life and while MyCafe is a wonderful dalliance, the idea that since I am not posting on Facebook seems to imply that I am dead to the world, frankly, is something that is beyond my comprehension.

I choose to die. I prefer to leave the world that is alive and go with the dead - those that "live" in the world that is not called Facebook.

I also choose to leave Facebook because I can not control the posts of those in my universe and I grow tired of the insipid comments that show on my comments or on my wall. How do I stop them? Don't post! I won't. Peace will be my domain and the worries of such dilemmas, will be a thing of the past.

FACEBOOK: I am not your biatch. I choose to control my life and not have you control mine.

Robbie: you were right!
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